Thursday, January 11, 2007
It's been such a long time. And you could still make my heart go a flutter.CCA open house tomorrow. Ah. Cool.
And Steph gave me
her lightsaber. It was long. And hard. And tastes really delicious too! Thanks Steph! It was lovely. :D
I need to get some good books. Gahh. Shall go to the library soon.
I LOVE NLB!~Whoo! I realise that I'm very privileged to be in this country where good books are widely available and accessible to for free! The National Library Board is where hundreds of thousands of people found joy in, and relinquished their everlasting thirst for knowledge. The NLB is no longer just a place for nerds and geeks to be in. It is a bustling place full of people wanting to full their heads with just everything they can find, cooking, literature, gardening, computers! The NLB is filled with inquisitive minds curious to know more about the world. The books, the library, opens up the world to the readers out there, to enjoy and to savour! It brings tears, fears, anger, happiness to everyone around. How wonderful.
Anyway, gotta go soon. Homework and math test. Gahh.
I Blogged @ 9:43 PM;
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I thought since we were still in the same school, I wouldn't miss them much.
But gawd.
How I miss 2s1'06.
Longer post next time.
Campfire tomorrow.
Hafta sleep early.
I Blogged @ 9:08 PM;